Spiritual Growth Monthly April 2012 Edition: “The Genie In Your Genes”

Spiritual Growth Monthly April 2012 Edition: “The Genie In Your Genes”


In this month’s Messages, we explore “The Genie In Your Genes” by Dawson Church, Ph.D.  (Elite Books, Santa Rosa, CA, 2007).

Click on the links below to read and/or listen to this month’s Weekly Messages:

Week 1: Click here for the Insight of the Month: “Why Consciousness Rules”

Week 2: Click here for the Practice of the Month: “10 Principles to Empower Your Life”

Week 3: Click here for the Question of the Month:“Could the World Really Turn Upside Down?”

Week 4: Click here for the Meditation of the Month: “Clearing Your Inner Space”

Week 5: Click here for the Bonus Weekly Message: “Spring Cleaning Your Sacred Space”

Upcoming next month: “The Miracle of Mindfulness”