Bhagavad Gita Class (90): Chapter 13 Verse 9-11 | Swami Tadatmananda

Bhagavad Gita Class (90): Chapter 13 Verse 9-11 | Swami Tadatmananda

“Indifference to the objects of the senses and also absence of egoism; perceiving the evil in birth, death, old age, sickness, and pain…” Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 13, Verse 8.

Why is the Bhagavad Gita the most widely studied Hindu scripture? It presents the profound spiritual wisdom of ancient rishis in a context we can all relate to – the battlefield of day-to-day life.

Swami Tadatmananda is a traditionally-trained teacher of Advaita Vedanta, meditation, and Sanskrit.