This month on SGM, we’ll explore “Foundational Qigong” — a simple, powerful practice to heal your body, build inner power, and fully align with Source Energy — with Matthew Clarkson. Here’s the link for Part 1 if you’d like to start from the beginning.
This is a great all-around qigong practice to relax and release tension while building core confidence and energetic vitality. The practice begins with slow, gentle movements to relax and allow Qi to flow. Then, beginning with the easiest of postures, standing meditation is practiced to “store” lower dantien vitality and build inner power.
Click on the links below to listen to this month’s Weekly Messages:
WEEK 1: “How To Empty Your Cup & Receive Fully From The Cosmos!”
WEEK 2: “Foundational Qigong Practice Session!” (Level 2)
WEEK 3: “How To Practice Safely And Receive Maximum Benefits!”
WEEK 4: “Foundational Qigong Practice Q&A”
Foundational Qigong Power is not designed to treat, diagnose or advise about any physical problem. For medical issues, please consult with your doctor in the first instance and take whatever action is appropriate.
This month on SGM, we’ll explore “Foundational Qigong” — a simple, powerful practice to heal your body, build inner power, and fully align with Source Energy — with Matthew Clarkson.
This is a great all-round qigong practice to relax and release tension while building core confidence and energetic vitality. The practice begins with slow, gentle movements to relax and allow Qi to flow. Then, beginning with the easiest of postures, standing meditation is practiced to “store” lower dantien vitality and build inner power.
Click on the links below to listen to this month’s Weekly Messages:
WEEK 1: “Introducing Foundational Qigong For Radiant Health & Well-Being!”
WEEK 2: “Foundational Qigong Practice Session!”
WEEK 3: “How To Practice Safely And Receive Maximum Benefits!”
WEEK 4: “Foundational Qigong Practice Q&A”
Foundational Qigong Power is not designed to treat, diagnose or advise about any physical problem. For medical issues, please consult with your doctor in the first instance and take whatever action is appropriate.
Upcoming next month: “Foundational Qigong – Part 2” with Matthew Clarkson.