August 2008 Edition : “Qi Power”

August 2008 Edition : “Qi Power”

August is the fourth and final month of our Mind-Body Practice Series for 2008. This month, we focus on Qi (“chee”) Power. In your Weekly Messages this month, you will discover the principles and foundational practices of the most powerful transformational tool that I have ever found. That is why it has been my personal daily practice for the past 23 years. This month you too can begin to realize the power of qigong in your own life.

** Click on the Weekly Messages below to discover some amazing insights and powerful practices.

Week 1: Click here for the Insight Of The Month – “What is Qigong?”

Week 2: Click here for the Practice Of The Month – “Relaxing Down Three Lines”

Week 3:
Click here for the Question Of The Month -“How to Activate Your Inner Guidance System”

Week 4: Click here for our Group Coaching Call Replay

Week 5: Special Bonus Recording!: New Core Energy Meditation