May 2010 Edition: “The Wisdom of Your Body”

May 2010 Edition: “The Wisdom of Your Body”

This month, we explore Body-Centered spiritual practices with reference to the book, “Return to The Sacred” by Jonathan Ellerby, PhD.   Your body is the sacred vessel for your life journey.  It holds the record of your life experiences, monitors the effects of what you are doing right here and now, and reveals accurate guidance on your best steps toward your ideal future.  Learn to feel the wisdom of your body and tap into a whole new world of peace, joy, and inner power.

Click on the links below to read and/or listen to this month’s Weekly Messages:

Week 1: Click here for the Insight of the Month: “You Can’t Fool Your Body”

Week 2: Click here for the Practice of the Month: “Four Secrets of Inner Body Training”

Week 3: Click here for the Question of the Month: “How Does Sound Heal?”

Week 4: Click here for the Group Coaching Call Replay from 5/23/10 “Creating Sacred Space”

Week 5: Click here for the Bonus Weekly Message: “Two Best Ways to Treat Your Body”