October 2008 Edition: “The Spontaneous Healing of Belief”

October 2008 Edition: “The Spontaneous Healing of Belief”

We’re continuing to investigate the power of beliefs to affect what shows up in our lives. This month, we focus on material from Gregg Braden’s latest book entitled “The Spontaneous Healing of Belief.” Braden’s work is a profound bridge between ancient wisdom and the new physics.

In this month’s messages, you’ll discover the science behind what you view as real and possible. You’ll learn to use the technology of your inner body to shift how what you think, feel, and believe. And, you’ll learn how to heal your deepest hurt so that you can realize your greatest potential.

** Click on the Weekly Messages below to discover some amazing insights and powerful practices.

Week 1: Click here for the Insight Of The Month – “What is Real and Possible”

Week 2: Click here for the Practice Of The Month – “Creating Positive Belief”

Week 3:
Click here for the Question Of The Month -“How to Heal Your Deepest Hurt”

Week 4: Click here for the Group Coaching Call Replay – “Clearing Your Economic Fears!”