SGM November 2011 Edition: “The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook”

SGM November 2011 Edition: “The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook”

This month we’re exploring “The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook,” by Martha Davis, Ph.D., Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman, MSW, and Matthew McKay, Ph.D. Now in its sixth edition, this phenomenal bestseller is an encyclopedic guide to everything that works for shifting out of stress mode into a healthier, relaxed, and clear inner state.    


Click on the links below to read and/or listen to this month’s Weekly Messages:

Week 1: Click here for the Insight of the Month: “Stress is an Inside Job”

Week 2: Click here for the Practice of the Month: “The Best Stress-Coping Strategies”

Week 3: Click here for the Question of the Month:“What Are Your Triggers?”

Week 4: Click here for the Meditation of the Month: “Rapid Relaxation”

Upcoming next month: Part 2 of our exploration of “The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook” by Martha Davis, Ph.D., Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman, MSW, and Matthew McKay, Ph.D.  In December’s Weekly Messages, we’ll explore powerful techniques to work through limiting thoughts and beliefs and challenging emotions and behaviors.