SGM July 2012 Practice of the Month: “How to Use The Greatest Manifesting Principle”

SGM July 2012 Practice of the Month: “How to Use The Greatest Manifesting Principle”

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Welcome back to the July 2012 Edition of SGM. I’m Kevin Schoeninger. Thank you for being with us.

This week, we explore “The Greatest Manifesting Principle in the World.” While I’m sure you’re well-familiar with this principle, you may not have thought of it in the context of manifesting what you truly desire. You may not have seen the relationship of this principle with The Law of Attraction at all. You may have it in a completely separate emotional or spiritual category. Because of that, I think you’ll find this Week’s Message a fascinating turn on the usual secrets we’re told about conscious manifesting.


Before we get to that, let me say my usual words of encouragement about practice. An important key to making real shifts in life and growing the experiences you truly desire, is not only to learn new insights, but to put these insights to work. We transform our lives by applying our insights in daily practice. While many of these practices can make you feel good right away, it’s your consistent use of them that will grow that positive experience into a reliable background state that you can trust and return to at will, at any time.

So, this week we’ll explore a powerful principle that will reward you every moment that you put it into practice. To set the stage for understanding how this works and why you might want to try it, last week we explored three myths about the Law of Attraction that can lead to several pitfalls that leave people frustrated with the whole idea of manifesting what they desire in life.

In a nutshell, we discovered that the cause of what actually happens in our lives is complex and multi-faceted. It’s not always possible to say for sure what exactly causes events to happen exactly as they do. Because of that, the strategy of focusing on specific details of what you desire with the idea that you are going to produce exactly that in your life, can be a frustrating strategy.

While it’s absolutely true that what you think, feel, believe, and do makes a huge difference in what happens in your life and in how you experience whatever happens, it is not always the case that anything you want will be yours if you simply ask, believe, and receive. And it’s not always best for you to have it.

There are countless things I have asked for, believed I would get, and did not receive. I did a great job imagining these things as real. And it felt good. Interestingly, in retrospect, I’m usually glad that I didn’t get what I asked for. Things actually turned out better. These include not getting into any of the Ph.D. programs I wanted even though I had the grades for it, being turned down for a job in the family publishing company (really?), not having my novel published, even though several publishers told me they liked it (I have at least hundreds of copies in the garage still, maybe it’s thousands, I can’t remember). . . The list goes on and on. . .


Nevertheless, I am grateful that I currently enjoy everything I truly desire in life. However, it isn’t because I asked, believed, and received—and it’s not because I imagined the exact results I have. Many times I’ve been surprised by them. As a result of my experiences and the experiences of my clients, I’ve discovered and consistently practiced a different approach. Because of that, I think it’s good to experiment with different methods. The bottom line is to use what works well for you.

So, in this week’s message, we’ll look at a completely different way to approach the Law of Attraction and the process of conscious manifestation. This perspective comes to us from Carnelian Sage in the book “The Greatest Manifesting Principle in the World.”

According to Sage, when you begin from the state of “wanting something” you are coming from a perspective of “lack.” The more you mentally focus on what you lack, the more you want it, and the more you miss not having it. Eventually, it’s likely that you become frustrated with not having it.

In contrast, Sage proposes that “it’s not your mental focus that causes your desires to happen—but rather, it is how well you connect to, or how much you are in harmony with, the energy field which is responsible for all of creation. Everything you are, including your emotions, feelings, beliefs, and prayers in every moment represents your ongoing communication with the energy field. And the circumstances in your life are the energy field’s response to your communication.” (p.54, TGMP)


So, it’s not just your persistent thoughts, conscious intentions, and affirmations that matter. It’s your whole being. And it’s not just your whole being, but the whole of creation that you are interacting with. This is an energetic interaction that is taking place every moment of your life, whether you are aware of it or not, whether you consciously intend it or not. Your whole being is broadcasting into the field and the field is responding appropriately to the overall vibrational messages it is receiving from you.

Because there is such an intimate and pervasive interactivity of your life with the whole field, it’s actually not all that important to ask for what you desire. The field already knows everything about you—you are broadcasting “you” 24/7. In that sense, the field knows what you need and is busy supplying it to you. What you are provided with is a result of what you are broadcasting.

As Sage says, “When you fully embrace the truth that you are inextricably connected to this energy field, and that you’re not a separate entity fending for yourself in the vast frontier of the cosmos, you will begin to realize that you’re already connected with everything you want.” (p.56, TGMP)

Now, what if the universal energy field operated according to a dominant positive principle and all you had to do was to sync up with that? If you could align with that special frequency might the rest take care of itself? What if it was actually quite simple to align with this principle? This is exactly what Sage suggests is true.

To understand what that special frequency might be, Sage points to some interesting research on peak performance and healing. According to Sage, when athletes were muscle tested while imagining noble motives for their upcoming athletic events such as winning for someone they love, for their country, or for excellence, their muscles tested stronger than when they held selfish motives for winning such as becoming a star, making a lot of money, or defeating their opponent. It seems that we may be built for higher purpose over and above selfish need.

We can witness examples of this every day. Those who feel a strong connection to deeper meaning and purpose in their lives often do the most extraordinary things and participate in what seem like miraculous events. When we feel that our positive contributions matter for a higher cause, we will go to extraordinary lengths to make our thoughts, feelings, communications, and actions count in the best possible way. It does seem that we are made for noble purpose.

Sage goes on to describe medical research about cases of spontaneous remission from illness. Could there be one factor that stands out in those who have remarkable turnarounds? It turns out that there just might be. It is frequently found that love was the key ingredient. Those who recovered from illness often had gained an increase in their capacity to love and an increased awareness of the importance of love in life.


Could it be that love is a fundamental dominant frequency in creation? Could it be that coming from a state of love is our most noble purpose and the real key to conscious co-creation with the Universal Field?

This idea brings to mind the work of Masaru Emoto, who researched the effect of love on one of the most important components of biological life—water. As many of you know, Emoto found that simply taping the word “love” on a bottle of distilled water caused the water to form the most amazing beautiful and symmetrical ice crystals when that water was frozen. In contrast, crystals whose bottles had negative emotions or images on them formed disfigured crystals when frozen.

It appears that love is a, or perhaps the, fundamental positive organizing force in creation. As Sage says, “Love is the most powerful magnetic force in the universe. It is the doorway from the unmanifest to the manifest, and the bridge between the emotional and the spiritual. . .Love is the dynamic force by which the perfection of the physical world was created. . .love’s frequency is a vibrational match to God, who is the architect of all creation.” (p.67, TGMP)

Sage goes on to say that, “Love is the catalyst by which all good things happen. The effortless way to achieve your heart’s desires is to let go of your attachment to results, and focus on love instead. Bring the power of love to your pursuits and to all the people, relationships, resources and events associated with your pursuits. The outcome you get may be different from what you had in mind, but it will be infinitely better than that which you desired.” (p.68, TGMP)

In Sage’s view of The Law of Attraction, the key to conscious manifestation is to make sure that whatever you do is motivated, guided, and nourished by love. You can accomplish this in three simple steps (p. 69-71, TGMP):

How to Align With Love:

1. Refine all of your desires so they are expressions of love; so they are beneficial to yourself and to others.

2. Refine how you go about pursuing your desires, so that your actions express love and service. Continually ask “How can I bring love to this interaction?”

3. Stay consciously connected to the energy field by being in an inner state of love as often as possible. In other words, mind and manage your inner state so that you come from love. Return to a state of love when you notice that you’ve wandered away from it.

This is a wonderfully simple and powerful message. It may be ages-old advice, but might that be with good reason? What would your life be like if you looked at your desires, your interactions, and your inner state through the lens of love? Sounds like a profoundly worthwhile experiment to me. . .

Now, because of life circumstances or past events, it may be challenging to feel the love in your heart in certain relationships or certain parts of your life. You may have shut down your capacity to love because of times when you were hurt. We shut down because we don’t want to be hurt again. Sometimes we close our hearts to love to protect ourselves.

In next week’s message, we’ll talk about ways to release the natural power of love in our hearts once again.

Until next time,

Ask yourself “How can I come from love right now?”
