November 2009 Edition: “The Subtle Body”

November 2009 Edition: “The Subtle Body”

This month, we’ll explore “The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia Of Your Energetic Anatomy,” by Cyndi Dale.  Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant.  She offers training in her own “Four Pathways Healing System,” shamanism, subtle energy systems, intuition, and prosperity.   In “The Subtle Body” Dale has documented an impressive array of scientific research substantiating the existence and primary importance of the human subtle energy field.  By understanding your subtle energy system and how to work with it you can take the next step in human evolution.

Click on the links below to read and/or listen to this month’s Weekly Messages:

Week 1: Click here for the Insight of the Month: “The Next Step In Human Evolution”

Week 2: Click here for the Practice of the Month: “Awakening Your Energetic Senses”

Week 3: Click here for the Question of the Month: “Why Is Energetic Awareness Essential?”

Week 4: Click here for the Group Coaching Call Replay: “Seven Skills of Consciousness”

Week 5: Click here for the Bonus Weekly Message: “Frequently Asked Questions About Energy Meditation”