December 2009 Edition: “The Four Insights”

December 2009 Edition: “The Four Insights”

This month, we explore “The Four Insights” by Alberto Villordo.  Villordo is a medical anthropologist who trained for twenty-five years with a lineage of Earthkeepers called Laika from the Amazon and the Andes.  Since that time, Alberto has brought this essential transformational wisdom to the U.S. and Europe through his Four Winds Society training centers in new England, Utah, California, the U.K., and the Netherlands.

Click on the links below to read and/or listen to this month’s Weekly Messages:

Week 1: Click here for Insight #1: “The Way of the Hero: How to Write Your Authentic Story”

Week 2: Click here for Insight #2: “The Way of the Luminous Warrior: How to Transform Fear Into Love”

Week 3: Click here for Insight #3: “The Way of the Seer: How to Dream Your World Into Being”

Week 4: Click here for our Group Coaching Call Replay: “Insight #4: How to Change The World From Within”